Wednesday 8 January 2014

OTC Diuretics: Are there any side effects?

Your body requires healthy water balance to function properly. When this balance is disrupted and water is retained in your body it may cause swelling on legs, ankles, feet's and hands. Swelling may occur in or near the lungs which may lead to heart failure if left untreated. For that over the counter diuretics can be safely used.

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Diuretic is any drug or substance given to help the body eliminate excess fluid and salt through the kidneys. These can be taken in the form of over-the-counter diuretics, homeopathic, and herbal remedies. Diuretics may be used to treat number of heart related problems which includes high blood pressure, kidney problem and liver problem. Your blood pressure decreases by reducing the amount of fluid in your blood vessels. Diuretics is commonly known as "water pills".

How do Diuretics Work?
During the process of urine formation. Diuretics work by making your kidneys excrete more sodium in the urine. Then your body tries to balance this increased amount of sodium concentration, by adding more water to the urine from the blood. Which expels the excess water in the urine, when the fluid flows through the blood the pressure is reduced on walls and arteries. 

Benefits of Diuretics
  • It is found that diuretics treat hypertension and heart problems related to high blood pressure.
  • Some diuretics used to prevent, treat or relieve from various medical conditions which are:-
    1. Edema
    2. Weight Loss
    3. Congestive heart failure
    4. Liver and Kidney Disease
    5. Water Retention
  • There is no official website available.
  • Diuretics leads to some common side effects which are:-
    1. Headache
    2. Dizziness
    3. Increased urination
    4. Increased cholesterol
    5. May found too much or too little potassium in your blood
    6. Skin rash
    7. Strictly avoided for below 15 years.
    8. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid this product.

What Are the Side Effects of Diuretics?
If these diuretics are used for long time then it may reduce the amount of water from your body which causes dehydration. It will also lose essential nutrients, which causes your body to develop heart problem, kidney damage you will also find weakness. 

Some common side effects are- 
  • Which include dizziness, increased deposition of uric acid, jaundice and temporary hearing loss.
  • It interfere with glucose control which is not recommendable for diabetic patients and pregnant women.
  • Can cause mental confusion and breathing problems.

Do's and Don'ts of Diuretics

Diuretics are safe when taken in recommended doses.

Overdose can lead to side effects such as skin rashes, sleeping disorders, iron deficiency and many more. 

Final Words
Over-the-counter diuretics are considered to be quite safe. For high blood pressure patient it comes out to be very effective. Sometimes these diuretics may create health problem when they interfere with your routine medications. One may also observe that removal of excess water from the body may reduce essential vitamins and minerals. Diabetic patient and pregnant women should rigorously avoid this product, as it may lead to various health problem.

1 comment:

  1. I am bold enough among many others to state that there is now a potent cure to this sickness but many are unaware of it. I discovered that I was infected with the virus 3 months ago, after a medical check-up. My doctor told me and I was shocked, confused and felt like my world had crumbled. I was dying slowly due to the announcement of my medical practitioner but he assured me that I could live a normal life if I took my medications (as there was no medically known cure to Herpes). I went from church to church but soon found that my case needed urgent attention as I was growing lean due to fear of dying anytime soon. In a bid to look for a lasting solution to my predicament, I sought for solutions from the herbal world. I went online and searched for every powerful trado-medical practitioner that I could sever, cos I heard that the African Herbs had a cure for Herpes syndrome. It was after a little time searching the web that I came across one Dr Itua herbal treatment (A powerful African Herbal Doctor), who offered to help me at a monetary fee. I had to comply as this was my final bus-stop to receiving a perfect healing. My last resolve was to take my life by myself, should this plan fail. At last it worked out well. He gave me some steps to follow and I meticulously carried out all his instructions. Last month, to be precise, I went back to the hospital to conduct another test and to my amazement, the results showed that negative,Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Desease…Cancer,Hiv,Herpes,Shingles, Hepatitis B,Liver Inflammatory,Diabetes,Fibroid,Parkinson's,Alzheimer’s disease,You can free yourself of this Herpes virus by consulting this great African Herbal Doctor via this email: He will help you and his herb medication is sure. He has the cure for all diseases .You can visit his website or chat him on whatsapp: +2348149277967
